Rattan Creations provide following services with agreement to keep the website up-to-date.
AMC of website is Annual Maintenance Contract for websites to keep it up-to-date and error free.
Annual website maintenance contracts are a cost-effective way to keep your website up-to-date, fresh and effective. We have all types of AMC packages starting from Basic packages for Small business & organizations, which need less monthly time but needs consistent care & Platinum package for large organizations.
- Period of the contract is mentioned and specify on the Annual Maintenance Agreement.
- The Customer shall be responsible for providing proper power source to the material.
- The AMC agreement shall not covered any kind of penalty-
- In case of any dispute regarding the AMC contract the decision will be taking by both the Parties…and rattancreations will be the final.
- The problem will be solve within 48 hours form the time of complain.
- Complain will be received by E Mail with detail on rattancreations@gmail.com only.
- If there is any delay in maintenance will negotiate.
- If full and final amount of the Invoice & AMC are not received, we do not provide Warranty of goods, services, etc. & services will be chargeable in advance.
- AMC contract is not covered public & national holidays.